Work package 2: Global context for livestock

The objective is to perform an historical and geographical analyses to characterize the social, economic and geographical context, its recent development, the prospects, constraints, strengths and opportunities that will provide scientific evidence relevant to the understanding of future crop-livestock production systems in the region.


  • Activity 2.1: Socio-geographic maps: The first step consists of gathering and analyzing available data on the changes of conditions in the studied zones by integrating: 
    1. the changing landscape (land use/land cover, houses & settlement areas) and climate (temperature, water, soil, vegetation) (based on satellite data analysis; enhanced through participatory mapping);
    2. Evolution of population densities and production systems (PS);
    3. historical depth of the economic tissue (age of land use, infrastructure, market).

This activity will produce maps that will facilitate the identification of transect (2.3) and enhance/support analysis of collective vulnerability and resilience in WP4 and WP5.

  • Activities 2.2: Demand, market and supply chain in livestock products: This activity will provide an overview of livestock markets and derived or underlying products such as feed and biomass markets in terms of present dynamics (supply/demand) and future (prospective analysis /potentialities) in the studied areas. This overview will be based on bibliography and interviews among the stakeholders along the chain. The main outputs will be the constitution of a national database on animal and derived products and estimate the potential risks of disrupting between supply and demand according to the basins of consumption (from local to national).
  • Activity 2.3: Modeling of livestock context. This activity aims at approaching the time and spatial place and role of livestock in the regional context from the identification of a transect for studying Mediterranean livestock production system and history and the development of land use and resource maps. The transects chosen in the three countries will constitute the 3 research areas for the project.
